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Directions issued by Supreme Court of India in respect of sexual abuse/assault of minor child. By Vivek Nasa In a Recent Judgement by Supreme Court of India, in the matter of   “Shankar Kisanrao Khade vs. State of Maharashtra”   Criminal Appeal No. 362-363 of 2010  following directions have been passed  in Judgement delivered by K.S. Radhakrishnan, J, in respect of sexual abuse or assault of minor, (1) The persons in-charge of the schools/educational institutions, special homes, children homes, shelter homes, hostels, remand homes, jails etc. or wherever children are housed, if they come across instances of sexual abuse or assault on a minor child which they believe to have committed or come to know that they are being sexually molested or assaulted are directed to report those facts keeping upmost secrecy to the nearest S.J.P.U. or local police, and they, depending upon the gravity of the complaint and its genuineness, take appropriate follow up ac...
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All India Bar Examination Notified

All India Bar Examination Has been Notified. The details of the same can be viewed on website of Bar council Of India. The Notification as it appears on the website of bar council of India is reproduced below: "The first All India Bar Examination, to be conducted on December 5, 2010 is intended to test an advocate’s ability to practice the profession of law in India. As this is the first time that this examination will be conducted, it will assess capabilities at a basic level, and is intended to set a minimum standard for admission to the practice of law; it addresses a candidate’s analytical abilities and basic knowledge of law. The notification bringing the All India Bar Examination into force was passed by the Legal Education Committee and the members of the Bar Council of India at duly constituted meetings on April 10, 2010 and April 30, 2010. Click here to see the presentation on the All India Bar Examination. Click here to browse Frequently Asked Questions about t...

All India Bar Examination to be notified

As an implementation to order vide judgment in Bar Council of India v. Bonnie Foi Law College, delivered by Hon'ble Supreme Court Of India, a resolution has been adopted by the Bar Council of India on 10 April 2010 to conduct an All India Bar Examination, the passing of which will entitle an advocate to practice law in India. The information as appears on Bar council of India Website is reproduced below: All India Bar Examination to be notified A resolution was adopted by the Bar Council of India on 10 April 2010 to conduct an All India Bar Examination, the passing of which will entitle an advocate to practice law in India. Consequent to the resolution, the following rules were inserted into Part VI, Chapter III of the Bar Council of India Rules. It is yet to be published in the Gazette of India. [To be inserted as Rules 9 to 11 in Part VI, Chapter III of the Bar Council of India Rules – Conditions for Right To Practice – under Section 49(1)(ah) of the Advocates Act, 1961] ...

Law Graduates need to appear for exam for enrolment to BAR council

Despite being passed in December 2009, a Supreme Court judgment with tremendous ramifications for the practice of law came to our notice only recently. In Bar Council of India v. Bonnie Foi Law College, Justice Dalveer Bhandari and Justice H. L. Dattu mandated the Center to conduct bar examinations to test candidates for their suitability or otherwise for entry into the legal profession. You heard right: current law students who expect to graduate this year may not be able to don the robes of an advocate without first clearing a bar exam. The Supreme Court order dated on 14 December 2009, came in the light of recommendations by a special committee constituted by the court and headed by the Solicitor General, Gopal Subramanium. This committee was primarily tasked with making recommendations concerning the manner of affiliation and recognition of law colleges by the Bar Council of India. Upon receipt of the Committee report, the Supreme Court mandated the Centre to implement the recommen...